Court reporters are an essential part of every deposition, but they can often be overlooked – even by the attorneys. A full, clear, high quality deposition transcript of the proceedings can make or break an attorney’s case, so they should be doing everything in their power to ensure that the reporter can get a clear record. Here are a few ways that attorneys can help court reporters produce the best deposition transcript possible.
Be Conscientious when Reading from a Document
When people read from a written document in court, they tend to read very quickly so that they can get to the point they are attempting to make as quickly as possible. It is important that you don’t speed through this part. Speak clearly and slowly, and be sure to enunciate. A second option that attorneys have is to provide the court reporter with a copy of the document so that they can check their notes against it.
Be Mindful of Body Language
Body language is not recorded by the deposition reporter. Their only objective is to provide a complete account of everything that is said. A lot of times, the body language of the witness is important for a case – so it does need to be recorded. In order to make sure that it does, it’s important that attorneys note it verbally. You can say something like “Let the record show . . .” in order to get that important information in the transcript. Otherwise, it will be completely lost.
Many times, video conference depositions are taken to save valuable time and travel costs. This can be done at a video conferencing site where deposition services can make arrangements for your videoconferencing needs.
Keep Reporters in the Loop
Court reporters are typically able to provide a finished transcript by the next day. However, it’s important that they know exactly when their finished work will be needed in advance. If the court reporter knows they will need to turn a transcript overnight in advance they can make sure they can accommodate this need to the fullest extent. Producing a quality deposition transcription can take time, so it’s important that you keep your court reporter in the loop about important timeframes.
When you need a court reporter for video conferencing and deposition services in San Diego, CA, contact the professionals at Park Avenue Deposition Service.